Which engine oil to use?
There are many different oils and only certain oils can be used in certain cars. The good news is that in a couple of clicks you can find all the Mobil products that are right for your car.
Head to our product selector and enter your registration plate for a full list of engine oils. You can print this off, take a screen shot or email the results so you know when a Mobil oil is recommended by your mechanic, it’s technically suitable for your car.
Better still, take control and ask your mechanic for a specific Mobil oil from the list when you drop your car off!

Should I use a synthetic oil?
In most cases a Mobil synthetic oil is the optimal choice for your car. Synthetic oils have many benefits over conventional oils including performance, wear protection, engine cleanliness and potential for enhanced fuel economy. Our product selector will let you know whether there are Mobil synthetic products that are suitable for your car or not. Check in advance with your mechanic whether they are planning to use a synthetic oil. If not, ask them why.

Does my filter need to be changed too?
Typically, it’s recommended that the oil filter is changed when the oil is changed. Inserting a new filter will ensure that any deposits and contaminants in the filter won’t make their way back through the engine. The filter is typically relatively inexpensive to replace. If you’d like to know more on these costs, or ensure you get a filter change, ask your mechanic when you make the appointment or drop your car off.

Buy and bring your oil
If you know which oil you need, and how much oil you need why not consider hunting around for best price and buy the oil yourself? Check which oil is right for your car with our product selector tool then simply take it to your garage for the change. This could help you save money on the oil purchase price, leaving you to pay for only the servicing at the garage.
Two things to consider if you’re thinking about doing this.- Engine oil is sold to the public in certain litre sized bottles (typically 1, 4 or 5 litres). You may need to calculate the cost of any wastage if you buy it yourself. If the garage supplies the oil they typically won’t charge for wastage as they use leftover oil for other cars.
- You may also want to double check whether your garage will allow you to bring your own oil before purchasing.

Understand your oil change frequency
Your mechanic indicates that you’re probably due an oil change. Are you? There are a few factors which determine the frequency you change your oil. The time since your last change, the distance you have driven since your last change, your engine type and the service regime previously selected. In short, this is one for your handbook to help you with. It should tell you precisely how frequently you need to change your oil based on the above variables. Some newer cars keep track of this for you and alert you when your change is due.

Mobil 1™
Our advanced range of synthetic technology engine oils helps provide outstanding engine protection against wear. Nothing works harder for your car.
More about Mobil 1™
Mobil Super™
Mobil Super™ offers a range of synthetic, semi-synthetic and conventional oils providing different levels of protection to match the conditions you face, whilst always ensuring you can drive with full confidence.
More about Mobil Super™-
How to check my engine oil
Checking your engine oil is quick and simple and will save you time and money in the long-run. Follow our step-by-step guide to help you carry out an engine oil check.
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How much engine oil do I need?
Your engine oil plays a key role in looking after your engine and helping it run at its best. You need to make sure you use the right amount of engine oil for your vehicle and keep it topped up.
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How to change your oil
Regular oil changes will ensure your engine keeps performing at its best, helping your car to achieve maximum power and enhanced fuel efficiency. Use our step-by-step guide to change your engine oil at home.
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