Finding the right engine oil for your car

No matter what or where you’re driving your engine oil matters. Mobil™ engine oils are specially formulated to go the distance. Your engine is a complex machine with hundreds of moving parts that operate under a wide range of temperatures and stresses. The oil you select needs to be equally capable of coping with these operating conditions to protect your engine against wear, corrosion, and the build-up of dirt and deposits.

Mobil offers a wide range of synthetic, semi-synthetic or conventional oil for your car, van, truck or commercial vehicle. Find the right oil using our selector tool.

  • 2 people driving towards sunshine

    Mobil 1™

    Mobil 1 advanced synthetic technology engine oils are at the forefront of technical innovation, helping drivers achieve their passion for ultimate performance.

  • Child around the back of a car in the sun

    Mobil Super™

    Mobil Super™ is a premium engine oil brand formulated to offer robust protection and preserve engine life.

  • Photo of a truck driver

    Mobil Delvac™ products

    The complete range of Mobil Delvac engine oils, driveline and hydraulics for commercial and heavy-duty vehicles

Most popular viscosities

Find engine oils by manufacturer

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    Servicing your car with Mobil

    Next time you take your car to the garage make sure you’re equipped with knowledge and the right questions to ensure your car gets the service you want, and the best possible engine protection.

  • How much oil banner

    How much engine oil do I need?

    Your engine oil plays a key role in looking after your engine and helping it run at its best. You need to make sure you use the right amount of engine oil for your vehicle and keep it topped up.

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    How to check my engine oil

    Checking your engine oil is quick and simple and will save you time and money in the long-run . Follow our step-by-step guide to help you carry out an engine oil check.

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    Engine oil light

    When you see your engine oil light come on, it’s a warning from your engine you need to take seriously. Make sure you understand the possible reasons behind it and what you should do if the light comes on.

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    How to use less petrol

    With just a few simple changes, you can make noticeable improvements to your fuel economy. Follow our top tips to help you become a more fuel-efficient driver.

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    How to change your oil

    Regular oil changes will ensure your engine keeps performing at its best, helping your car to achieve maximum power and enhanced fuel efficiency. Use our step-by-step guide to change your engine oil at home.

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    How to change your brake fluid

    Your brake fluid plays a critical role in making sure your brakes are working properly, keeping you safe out on the road. Our step-by-step guide will help you understand how to change your brake fluid.

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    How to refill your coolant

    Keeping your engine cool is a vital part of your car maintenance and it only takes a couple of minutes to check your coolant.  Follow our step-by-step guide for a safe way to top-up your engine coolant.